Download the Draft program as a PDF file:
(Updated 2013-10-01)
General information
On Monday, 7 October 2013 (in conjunction with the 48th CIML Meeting), a seminar will be held to review the OIML Mutual Acceptance Arrangement (MAA) and to investigate the prospects for its further development.
The program for the full day seminar will be divided into four sessions:
1. [History] A panel session on the background, ideas and decisions that led to the establishment of the MAA (as an extension of the OIML Certificate System), and the initial implementation of the MAA,
2. [Present] A panel session on the current operation of the MAA, highlighting current problems and indicating possible solutions,
3. [Future] A panel session exploring the options for the future of the MAA,
4. [Conclusion] A session to formulate conclusions from the discussions in the panel sessions and possibly drafting proposals for the 48th CIML Meeting to consider.
Some of the issues that will be considered are:
- conditions for expanding the MAA to include additional categories of measuring instruments,
- level of the participation in the MAA,
- the impact of the MAA,
- differences between and parallel operation of the MAA and the Basic Certificate System,
- role of and advantages for Utilizing Participants,
- sanctions for non-complying participants.
The seminar will be chaired by the CIML first Vice-President, Roman Schwartz.
During the panel sessions, panel members will make a 10-15 minute presentation followed by discussion with the seminar participants.
Detailed program
Time schedule
The seminar will be held on 7 October 2013, from 09.00 until 17.30, with a break for lunch from 12.30 to 13.30 and short coffee/tea breaks in the morning and the afternoon.
Introduction by the chair
The CIML first Vice-President and CIML Member for Germany, Roman Schwartz, will chair the seminar sessions and give a brief introduction to the program and the panel members.
Session 1
The first session will focus on the history of the MAA and its initial implementation, recalling the background, ideas and decisions that led to the establishment of the MAA as an extension of the OIML Certificate System.
Confirmed panel members are:
- Gerard Faber, CIML Member of Honor and CIML Past President. Gerard Faber was CIML President at the time the establishment of the MAA was discussed;
- Alan Johnston, CIML Member for Canada and CIML Past President. Alan Johnston was CIML President at the time the MAA was implemented;
- Charles Ehrlich, CIML Member for the USA, responsible for the secretariat of OIML TC 3/SC 5 (Conformity assessment). OIML Publications B 3 (on the OIML Basic Certificate System) and B 10 (on the Mutual Acceptance Arrangement) were developed in TC 3/SC 5.
Session 2
In the second session, the current operation and the impact of the MAA will be discussed.
Panel members will share their experiences in applying the MAA procedures and using MAA Certificates, highlighting problems and suggesting possible solutions. Confirmed panel members are:
- Cock Oosterman, Certification Manager at NMi, the Netherlands. NMi is an MAA Issuing Participant, with the largest number of certificates issued;
- Stuart Carstens, CIML Member for South Africa. NRCS of South Africa is an MAA Utilizing Participant. Stuart Carstens will also address the position of developing countries;
- Luis Mussio, BIML Engineer. Luis Mussio is charged with the secretariat for the MAA CPRs (Committees on participation review).
Session 3
The third session will look at the options for further developing the MAA, in particular concerning the number of participants and categories of measuring instruments.
Confirmed panel members are:
- Veronika Martens, President of the CECIP Legal Metrology Group. CECIP is the European federation of weighing instruments manufacturers. Most of the certificates issued under the MAA concern weighing instruments;
- Philippe Richard, CIML Member for Switzerland. METAS of Switzerland is an MAA Issuing Participant;
- Roman Schwartz, CIML Member for Germany and CIML Vice-President. PTB is an MAA Issuing Participant;
- Dennis Chew, IEC/APRC Regional Director. The IEC operates several certification systems for electro-technical equipment.
Session 4
In the final session of the day, the seminar chairman, Roman Schwartz, and the CIML President, Peter Mason, will try to draw consensus conclusions from the discussions in the seminar and possibly suggest draft resolutions for consideration by the 48th CIML Meeting.